Primatech 330 PRO is a multi-strike fixed base manual nailer that installs ½’’ to 33/32’’ (13 to 26mm) flooring boards. This tool is light, quick loading and wood friendly. Convenient for all categories of professional users. MORE INFO

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UGS : BASE_H330L Catégories : , , , , ,


Assembled with the standard base for ¾’’ (19mm) boards with a 110 nail capacity, it can install ½’’ to 33/32’’ (13 to 26mm) hardwood flooring with H188 optional base.

Available accessories include the A001 Trak Edge providing more stability and additional protection for engineered flooring boards.

Also available as a T nailer.

3/4’’ (19mm) factory adjusted
5/8’’ to 33/32’’ (15 to 26mm) with the optional H188 adapter accessory

Main features of the 330F Version

    • For all types of hardwood flooring
    • Manual nailer, multi-strike
    • Fixed base
    • Quick loading nail channel
    • L 16ga nails 1½’’ – 1¾’’ – 2’’
    • T 16ga nails 1½’’ – 2’’ optional
    • Supplied with 3.7 lbs mallet

Informations complémentaires


Poignée standard, 3” poignée d'extension (A800)


Marteau standard de 16", Marteau aluminium 1.5 LBS de 16” (R081), Marteau aluminium 1.5 LBS de 19” (R081L)


Base standard, PRIMSURFER base à roulette (A870), Semelle pour plancher 1/2”- 9/16” et 33/32" (P188), Semelle Trak EDGE 3/4” (A001)

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